Cos'è e come si forma il Future Perfect
Il Future Perfect Tense si usa per parlare di un’azione che sarà terminata entro un momento preciso nel futuro. Per esempio:
- You will have finished reading this book by the end of the week. You have accomplished your goal, fantastic!
Finirai di leggere questo libro entro fine settimana! Ti sei avvicinato al tuo obiettivo, fantastico!
Questa forma verbale molto spesso si utilizza con le parole: by, till, until (by si usa principalmente in affermazioni, mentre till e until in negazioni).
We will have arrived by 4 p.m.
We won’t have arrived until 4 p.m.
Il Future Perfect si forma con i verbi ausiliari will have e il participio passato del verbo, come mostrato nella tabella 1.
Forma affermativa | Forma negativa | Forma interrogativa | ||
Forma completa | Forma contratta | Forma completa | Forma contratta | |
I will have finished | I'll have finished | I will not have finished | I won't have finished | Will I have finished? |
You will have finished | You'll have finished | You will not have finished | You won't have finished | Will you have finished? |
He will have finished | He'll have finished | He will not have finished | He won't have finished | Will he have finished? |
She will have finished | She'll have finished | She will not have finished | She won't have finished | Will she have finished? |
It will have finished | It'll have finished | It will not have finished | It won't have finished | Will it have finished? |
We will have finished | We'll have finished | We will not have finished | We won't have finished | Will we have finished? |
You will have finished | You'll have finished | You will not have finished | You won't have finished | Will you have finished? |
They will have finished | They'll have finished | They will not have finished | They won't have finished | Will they have finished? |
Exercise n. 102 Costruisci delle negazioni e delle domande partendo dalle seguenti frasi affermative.
Per esempio:
- I will have finished the article by 7 p.m. – I won’t have finished the article by 7 p.m. / Will you have finished the article by 7 p.m.?
- My son will have saved money for a new car by October.
- The train will have arrived by 8 p.m.
- The kids will have got tired by the end of the party.
- The secretary will have prepared all the documents before you arrive tomorrow.
- They will have reached an agreement by April.
- The rain will have finished by the time the party starts.
- The courier will have delivered the package by Monday.
- The crops will have grown by August.
- Mike will have finished to study half of the book by the time of the exam.
- We will have run out of petrol by midnight.
Exercise n. 103 Trasforma le seguenti affermazioni in frasi interrogative, utilizzando anche la congiunzione disgiuntiva (disjunctive conjunction) or, come mostrato nell'esempio.
Per esempio:
- They will have travelled 700 kilometers by the time they arrive in Edinburgh. (Glasgow). – Will they have travelled 700 kilometers by the time they arrive in Edinburgh or in Glasgow?
- I will have worked for this company for 10 years next year. (month).
- She will have prepared the review by midnight (the financial report).
- I will have arranged a weekend with friends by the time you get the news from your brother (with colleagues).
- Jack will have earned his first million by the time he is 20. (billion).
- They will have built the new airport by 2025 (2026).
Exercise n. 104 Trasforma le seguenti frasi affermative in domande speciali, utilizzando la parole indicate tra parentesi.
Per esempio:
- Anthony will have sent you an email by 2 p.m. (Who). – Who will have sent me an email by 2 p.m.?
- The photographer will have edited the photos by Tuesday (What).
- The film will have finished by 10 p.m. (What).
- The parcel will have arrived by tomorrow afternoon (What).
- The surgery will have been over by 2 p.m. (What).
Exercise n.105 Trasforma le seguenti frasi affermative in frasi contenenti le tag questions.
- The workout will have finished by 2 pm.
- The garden will have become green by April. .
- Kelly will have fallen asleep by 11 p.m.
- The postman will have brought the letter by afternoon.
- I will have lost some weight by summer.
Exercise 106 Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi utilizzando il Future Perfect, motivando perché viene usata questa forma.
- Mr. Lewis __________________ (be) the head of the department for 2 years by 2022.
- Lucy _____________ (graduate) by 2024.
- The kids _____________ (not do) homework by Friday.
- The country_____________ (overcome) the crisis by August.
- Paul _____________(arrive) home by 7 pm.
- Ryan _____________(reach) the North Pole by this time tomorrow.
- The student _____________(not finished) the thesis by July.
- The pine _____________ (grow) tall by 2025.
- The lunch _____________ (not be) ready by 1 pm.
- The baby _____________ (not fall) asleep by midnight.