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30 ore
Al termine
Certificato Riconosciuto
Il corso si rivolge a un target adulto (dai 17 anni in su) che necessitano di apprendere o potenziare l'inglese in ottica della certificazione linguistica riconosciuta dal MIUR che riconosce punteggio sia per i Concorsi che per le Università.
La Piattaforma di formazione multimediale per lo studio della lingua inglese della British Institutes Taranto permette:
- Ampia autonomia per gestire i propri programmi di studio in maniera personalizzata;
- Struttura dei percorsi formativi E-learning allineata ai livelli del Quadro ComuneEuropeo;
- Unità di ciascun percorso articolate in attività didattiche (esercizi, approfondimenti grammaticali, animazione, dialoghi, testi e brani audio).
Al termine del percorso lo studente potrà sostenere l' ESAME ONLINE di CERTIFICAZIONE.
Le modalità d'esame sono a scelta tra paper-based (nella sede di Taranto), computer-based (nella sede di Taranto) ed online da remoto.
L'esame è composto da 5 abilità: Use of English, Reading, Listening, Writing e Speaking, nello specifico:
- una fase scritta con domande a risposta multipla
- una fase di comprensione del testo
- una fase di ascolto e comprensione
- una fase di produzione scritta
- una fase di produzione orale
La certificazione verrà rilasciata in caso di superamento da British Institutes, Ente riconosciuto dal MIUR . Certificazione rilasciata secondo gli standard stabiliti dal Consiglio d’Europa con il “Common European Framework”, valida in tutto il mercato UE.
Certificato Riconosciuto
La certificazione verrà rilasciata in caso di superamento da British Institutes, Ente riconosciuto dal MIUR.
Certificazione rilasciata secondo gli standard stabiliti dal Consiglio d’Europa con il “Common European Framework”, valida in tutto il mercato UE.
Offerta: Prezzi, Costi e condizioni
Prezzo | Descrizione |
€ 499 | Prezzo base per ciascuno studente |
Possibilità di pagare il corso in tre rate grazie a Klarna.
Programma del Corso
UNIT 1 The breakfast table
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Present simple Vs Present Continuous
Adverbs of frequency/ Stative verbs / Ing form: special usages
Daily routine / Get
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions that happen regularly / things which are always true / actions which are happening now, in this period or in the planned future / the frequency of actions / how to use stative verbs / how to use special structures with the continuous form / how to talk formally and informally to people / introduce yourself / lifestyle and daily routine / the use of get
UNIT 2 What a lot of questions
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Questions – Subject questions Question tags Indirect questions Quantifiers Offers and requests Complaints and apologies
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about asking questions / building a subject question/forming question tags/making indirect questions/using quantifiers: much, many, a lot (of), (a) little, too much, too many, enough/how to make, accept and decline offers and requests, in a formal and informal way/ how to complain and apologise
UNIT 3 Where did you get that dog?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE :Past simple vs present perfect It’s time
Used to/would Be/get used to + ing Like /as – how to talk about similarities
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about finished events in the past compared to recent events without a definite time / actions or states which last up to the present / how to use "it's time" and the simple past to say it is a suitable time or period to do something / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about past routines, habits and states with "used to/didn't use to" and "would" / use "be/get used to" +ing to say you are accustomed to doing something / how to talk about similarities / how to ask people about their occupation by using the prepositions like and as
UNIT 4 Another dog is missing
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Past continuous/ Past perfect/ Linking words/ Reported speech / say, tell, ask
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions which were in progress at a certain time in the past / about actions which happened before another action in the past / link 2 sentences using linking words / how to report other people's words using indirect speech introduced by the verbs say, tell and ask
UNIT 5 An international problem
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous Comparatives and superlatives Special comparisons Would rather Adjectives: prefixes and suffixes Word formation
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions and situations which started in the past and are still going on - know when to use the present perfect and when to use the present perfect continuous / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about actions and situations which started in the earlier past and were still going on in a moment in the past / understand the difference between the present perfect continuous, the past perfect continuous and the past continuous / how to use comparatives and superlatives and to make comparison with special structures / express preferences with "would rather" / how to use prefixes and suffixes with adjectives / how to form new words
UNIT 6 Meetings
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Continuous tenses vs simple tenses For and since Holding meetings (formal and informal)
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use continuous form to say that an action or condition has continued for a certain period / the language of meetings and general expressions used in the world of work / when to use continuous and simple forms / for and since / how to hold formal and informal meetings
UNIT 7 Can you remember?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Revision unit
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Revision of the grammar functions, expressions and vocabulary learnt so far
UNIT 8 Modal verbs
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Modal verbs Conditional sentences Wish + past simple Word building Hotel and travel words and expressions
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use modals with present, past, or continuous meanings / zero, first, second and third conditional sentences / wish and the past simple to express regret in the present / useful hotel and travel words and expressions
UNIT 9 What to do in the future
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Future tenses Time clauses
Clauses of purpose
How to express agreement and disagreement
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about tenses used in the future and the difference in use / time clauses and clauses of purpose / how to express agreement and disagreement
UNIT 10 Copy-cat in Philadelphia
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses Verbs followed by – ing/ infinitive Education, qualifications Physical actions Appearance
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use defining and non-defining relative clauses / how to use those verbs which are followed by to + infinitive and those which are followed by the gerund / Students will be able to understand and apply in context speech or text about education and qualifications / verbs connected to the body / ways of describing people's appearance, education, qualifications
UNIT 11 Dog-napping gold thieves
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Verbs with two objects
Passive structures Have/get something done Suggestions and opinions Interests and hobbies
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How some verbs can take 2 objects / how to use passive structures which are very common in English / how to use the structure: have/get something done / how to make suggestions and ask for opinions / useful vocabulary for interests and hobbies
UNIT 12 New Developments
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Reported speech Lie and lay Bring, take, carry, fetch and wear Phrasal verbs
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to report other people's words / how to use some verbs which are remarkably similar and can be confusing / Phrasal verbs
UNIT 13 Heading home
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Heading home Articles Countable and uncountable nouns Singular or plural nouns Phrasal verbs
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: How to use definite and indefinite articles / how to use some words that can be either countable or uncountable / some nouns which can cause problems to learners
UNIT 14 Can you remember?
TOPICS-LANGUAGE: Revision unit
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Revision of the grammar functions, expressions and vocabulary learnt so far.
Obiettivi del Corso
L'obiettivo del corso è quello di raggiungere in autonomia la Certificazione Linguistica d'Inglese di Livello B1.
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Corsi d'inglese online con Certificazione B1
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